Présentation ArtEZ Fashion Masters


Meet & Greet
Salon presentation
Arnhem Masters in Fashion
Lisa Forster
Hee Kim
Simeon Morris
Sunna Orlygsdottir
On March 3rd 2016 a new generation of Arnhem Fashion Masters will launch their highly personal points of view on the possible future of fashion.
They will present their work during intimate salon sessions en petit comité to a team of leading international experts, representing the vast field of fashion and beyond.
All this in an attempt to exchange and explore boundaries in an atmosphere of openness and inclusivity.
The presentations will be non-stop and open to the public.
Date: Thursday March 3, 2016
Time: 15:00 – 17:00 hts
Location: Atelier Néerlandais
121, rue de Lille, 75007 Paris