Open Call in het Engels
From November 9 through 12, 2023, the international art fair Paris Photo will take place in the Grand Palais Ephémère. Around the same time, 3-20 November, the festival Photo Saint Germain celebrates photography in all its forms on the Parisian Rive Gauche. A perfect opportunity for Dutch cultural institutions, educational organisations, photographers and galleries to present their work to a global audience. After two successful previous editions of our Open Calls for Paris Photo/Photo Saint Germain, featuring FOTODOK (2021) and NOOR (2022), we look forward to receiving inspiring submissions for our Open Call 2023.
Open Call
The Embassy of The Netherlands in France is holding an Open Call for a programme during Paris Photo and Photo Saint Germain, to be hosted at the Atelier Néerlandais (AN) in Paris. We are seeking applications from Dutch cultural institutions, educational organisations, photographers and galleries. The winning programme will be included in the official route of Photo Saint Germain and in the communications of Paris Photo.
What do we ask?
Applicants should send us a plan (±2 pages, excluding images) of their activity, featuring the following components:
- A concise proposal of a programme to be held at the Atelier Néerlandais.
The main part of the programme should take place during Paris Photo (9-12 November). However, activities can extend beyond these dates, within the duration of Photo Saint Germain (3-20 November).
Proposals should preferably go beyond organising an exhibition and include international partners. Think of a varied programme that promotes the Dutch photography scene with an audience of French and international professionals and amateurs, stimulating French-Dutch cooperation or cooperation between Dutch professionals with relevant stakeholders from other countries.
Examples include organising workshops with young and mid-career professionals, students, portfolio reviews, debates and lectures. Knowledge of the French language is an asset, as well as experience with presenting and working in France. Please include also plans on how to allow a digital audience to interact with your programme.
- A preliminary itemised budget.
Please specify the budget for the activity itself, including vernissage and communications. Clearly list the costs associated with each component. Hotel expenses, transport, a per diem and artist’s fee can be included.
What do we offer?
The spaces of the Atelier Néerlandais will be available for free to host your programme. The Embassy will provide communications and networking support. In consultation, the employees of the Atelier Néerlandais can provide organisational support with realising your programme.
Depending on the proposal and budget, the Embassy will provide financial support up to EUR 20 000. The amount of support provided will equal the contribution of the applicant, and cannot cover more than 50% of the total budget of the programme.
Please submit your proposal before May 15. The Culture & Communications department of the Embassy will be responsible for selecting the winning programme. An external photography expert will take part in the jury.
The winner will be announced in the first week of June at the latest. The winning applicant will receive guidelines on the subsequent steps to take. Within two weeks after announcing the winner, the winning party and the Embassy will conclude a contract with the agreements that have been made. Both sides will designate a project leader.
About the Atelier Néerlandais
The Atelier Néerlandais is part of the Embassy of the Netherlands in France and was founded in 2014. It is a platform for entrepreneurs, organisations and individuals who are active in the creative industry and who want to extend their activities to France. The platform’s central location in Paris can be used to co-work, to meet clients/customers and to have meetings and presentations. Our rooms can be used in a large variety of ways and are equipped with Wi-Fi and projection options.
As well as offering space, the Atelier Néerlandais can advise you on issues related to the French cultural and creative industries. In collaboration with French and Dutch partners we often host events focused on fashion, design, architecture and literature. When planning events the Atelier Néerlandais keeps an eye on the French fair and festival calendar.
Questions and submissions
Please submit your proposal before May 15 by sending an email to Ms Nicolette Koopman, Cultural Attaché of the Embassy of the Netherlands in France: nicolette.koopman@minbuza.nl. Your proposal should preferably be sent in a single PDF file. Please include images.
Please contact Ms Koopman in case of questions.